Suggested Interview Questions for "150 Ways to Sprinkle Kindness in Your Community.”

Patricia can provide photos, videos, and other "Kindness Ambassador Guests" to round out a panel for an interview. May be available on short notice, lively guest, colorful props.

1. What motivated you to write your book about Kindness?

2. During the Sprinkle Kindness campaign, how can families, corporations, organizations and schools get on board to spread "acts of compassion and kindness" in their neighborhoods?

3. What are five simple ways to spread love and kindness?

4. Why do you suggest families think of a Family Kindness motto?

5. Tell us about the Chalk Art Idea for driveways and pavements?

6. Why do you and your grandchildren keep lots of quarters in the car - ready to do what with them?

7. How can parents develop a heart of compassion in their young children?

8. Why did your eighty-seven year old mother withdraw thirty $20 bills, from her bank account on the day before Easter? Why did she go into two low income neighborhoods to pass the money out to strangers?

9. For those who are interested in your ideas, how can they best connect with you?

10. What is the best way to get the books that you have written on this topic?

11. You offer a FREEBIE of "150 Ways to Sprinkle Kindness in Your Community." How can people obtain those tips?

My story: An Angel on Earth on Moving Day!

Would you like to hear the amazing thing that happened after I called this "Angel on Earth?"

I was feeling desperate. It was moving day and everyone had canceled who had agreed to help. There was a newspaper classified ad that drew my attention. In a boxed ad I read, “Man will help you with any job, errand, willing assist, no fee.” I made one more call. Should I risk, let alone accept, an offer from a total stranger?

Yvonne Kaye: During the Bombing in WW II

At one point we were walking the streets with no idea where to go. Strangers came out of their houses, took us in, warmed us, and fed us. From their meager rations, they gave to us. They even provided us with clothing. The evenings when there wasn’t an air raid, we all sat around the piano and sang songs. It was in that moment, and I remember it as if it were yesterday, I decided that I wanted to be like those people when I grew up– giving light to those surrounded by darkness. 

Granting Wishes for Seniors

Cass Forkin noticed several elderly women counting change to pay for their dinner bill. She anonymously paid the bill for them. Their gratitude for her simple gesture inspired her to found Twilight Wish Foundation on July 1, 2003, the first national wish granting organization dedicated to serving the needs of the elderly. She started a national movement with just $711 and a small, but dedicated group of people who believed in the cause. Since its inception, Twilight Wish grants approximately one wish every other day in our country and has inspired thousands of others to do the same.

The Power of Free Hugs

Edie Weinstein is the founder of Hugmobsters Armed With Love which has as its intention to spread love and connection. She carries a beautiful red and white sign with the logo~ a red heart with arms emblazoned on it. She knows the power of free hugs and started a movement in Philadelphia, PA, when she and a dozen friends did a free hugs flash mob at 30th Street Station on Valentines' Day weekend 2014. Since then, she and her group of volunteers have given thousands of hugs, not only in her community of Doylestown, PA, but in many other cities throughout the U.S., Canada and Ireland.

The Caring Kids Christmas Card Program

Can you imagine spending Christmas alone? Bette Ross witnessed this 14 years ago at a nursing home where she volunteered. It broke her heart to see the sorrow in the eyes of the patients, instead of the joy of the holiday season. She decided then to ask the principals at several Philadelphia elementary schools, if she could bring Christmas cards for the children to sign and add a personal message to these sad people. They agreed. She took the signed cards to nursing homes, and they put the name of each person on the envelope. She has purchased thousands of cards, and distributed them, at her own expense.

Doing Good for Goodness Sake

Christie Neeld is teaching her children and others about the Power of Kindness. She and her family host Monthly Kindness Projects where they invite the community to bring donations and to work together to assemble goody bags for all different charities. She also helps schools, churches, scout troops and companies host their own events. Here's a sample of her favorite Kindness Projects:

• Sunshine Bags - yellow gift bags filled with snacks, juice, hand lotion, crossword puzzles, and other items to occupy patients while they are receiving chemotherapy.

• Birthday Bags - bags filled with cake mix, icing, candles, decorations, plates, napkins which are donated to food pantries for families experiencing food insecurities.

• Bags of Hope - welcoming bags filled with hygiene items for teens entering fostering care.


Suggested Interview Questions for The Happy Flower Day Project

  1. What were the ‘seeds’ for the Happy Flower Project?

  2. What keeps it blossoming?

  3. How has it made a difference in the lives of those who are receiving the gifts? Please share some stories.

  4. How has it made a difference in your life and those of the folks who have been your ‘elves’? (volunteers)

  5. Why are random acts of kindness so important?

  6. What is your biggest dream for the Happy Flower Project?

  7. How can people support your dream?

  8. Is this a project that young children and their parents could enjoy doing together?

  9. Why is it good to start early to teach kids to give back and do random acts of kindness?

  10. For those who are interested in your ideas, how can they best connect with you?

  11. What is the best way to get the books that you have written on this topic?

  12. You offer a FREEBIE of "150 Ways to Sprinkle Kindness in Your Community." How can people obtain those tips?


Suggested Interview Questions for the Stuffed Animals for Seniors Project

  1. Why and how did you collect 11,000 stuffed animals for the elderly?

  2. Where do you store all of the stuffed animals?

  3. Tell us about the 900 stuffed animals collected by a middle school in New Jersey and 700 critters collected by a synagogue youth group .

  4. What lessons have you learned about the lonely, and people who needed encouragement?

  5. How can other people start a project like this in their community?

  6. Do you mend, repair or launder the stuffed animals?

  7. Why do you want everyone in a nursing home to have a stuffed animal?

  8. Why do stuffed animals fill many roles?

  9. Why do most of your donations come from your Craigslist postings?

  10. Do you also solicit donations of stuffed animals from scout troops, church groups, friends, neighbors, Moms’ groups and service organizations?

  11. Where do you take them?

  12. For those who are interested in your ideas, how can they best connect with you?

  13. What is the best way to get the books that you have written on this topic?

  14. You offer a FREEBIE of "150 Ways to Sprinkle Kindness in Your Community." How can people obtain those tips?


Suggested Interview Questions for The Team of Angels Project

  1. Why were you inspired to write the Team of Angels poems?

  2. Why did you start out by giving away 5,000 pins to strangers who came to your front porch?

  3. How did 5,000 pins get to our United States troops serving in Kosovo?

  4. Tell us about some of the poignant letters you personally received - 30,000 heartwarming cards and letters.

  5. As of now, 125,000 people have received a Team of Angels pin - three little gold angels, with arms intertwined, that have teamed up to provide comfort in the face of adversity and healing where there is heartache. What have you learned about yourself and others while doing this project?

  6. What is the meaning of your mission - to promote peace, hope, and healing, one angel pin at a time?

  7. How did the Team of Angels Movement reach (or spread) all over the world?

  8. For those who are interested in your ideas, how can they best connect with you?

  9. What is the best way to get the books that you have written on this topic?

  10. You offer a FREEBIE of "150 Ways to Sprinkle Kindness in Your Community." How can people obtain those tips?

The Love Thy Norristown Neighbors Outreach Project
